Contact us: Rick@4SITEWI.com
(414) 460-4564
Certified Commercial Property Inspector

You don't know, what you don't know,
Choose 4SITE for building insight.
Understanding how 4Site Building Inspection identifies a Defect during a Home Inspection is very important. The definition of Defect based on the standards in the link above is as follows:
“A condition of any component of an improvement that a Home Inspector determines, on the basis of the Home Inspector's judgment on the day of an inspection, would significantly impair the health or safety of occupants of a property or that, if not repaired, removed, or replaced, would significantly shorten or adversely affect the expected normal life of the component of the improvement.” The contract of sale may define “Defect” to also include a condition that would have a significant adverse effect on the value of the property, but such a condition may not be labeled a defect in the report unless it meets the definition in section 440.97 (2m), Wis. Stats.
Foundation defects are common topics during an inspection. Rick is a Certified member of the Wisconsin Association of Foundation Repair Professionals. Rick often times references the WAFRP standards when evaluating the foundation. A link to the WAFRP website is here:
Visual Examples of Defects